Sunday, December 13, 2015

Wrapping up an Atari 2600RGB Install

Shortly after Tim Worthington released his 2600RGB kit this year I was chomping at the bit to install one as it is the first any only solution for obtaining RGB output from the Atari 2600!  While the Atari 2600 was my introduction to video games, any nostalgia I had for the console had always been hampered by its awful RF only output, full of noise in both the picture and sound.  A little over a decade ago I discovered some folks had created composite and S-Video mods, but they varied in picture quality and none stood out as being an ideal solution for the Atari 2600.

After acquiring an Atari 2600 to install the 2600RGB kit I was surprised by the extreme level of picture and audio noise when connecting the system to my HDTV using the stock RF switch output!  Thankfully the 2600RGB clears things up in both picture and sound departments.

I installed the kit in a "heavy sixer" several months ago, but hadn't finalized the output wiring until today!  This was in part due to the metal casing that surrounds the main circuit board.  Tim's installation guide for this particular revision of the Atari 2600 suggests using small wires to run underneath the metal casing, but I decided to take another approach!

2600RGB kit installed, but in need of output re-wiring.

Thursday, December 10, 2015


While using my PEXHDCAP capture card to record videos of the UltraHDMI I took a few still captures.  The PEXHDCAP doesn't allow for 1080p60 capture, so an upgrade might be in order.  Enjoy!

The following two pictures are from "direct mode" (480p un-processed)

RGBSource Channel on YouTube!

I decided to create a YouTube channel so that I could share clips from the UltraHDMI and other retro gaming related videos.  Check it out!

Thursday, December 3, 2015

UltraHDMI - Retro mode and 1080p Integer+ Pictures and Video

Here are some screenshots of the UltraHDMI Retro Mode as well as 1080p Integer+ (added with V1.01).  The Retro Mode settings enable scan lines, TV bloom, gamma boost, and over scan to simulate a CRT look on a flat panel.  I'm not so much a fan of scan lines outside of real ones on a CRT, but am very impressed by the implementation.  It's far superior to what the XRGB-mini and various scan line generators can achieve!  One impressive thing is that brighter pixels actually occupy a larger pixel area like a CRT would.  Take a look!

Wednesday, December 2, 2015